Its been a while - just popping in to say Hello :)
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:20 PM
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Its been a while - just popping in to say Hello :) |
Hello :)
My mom is still doing good btw. She had a birthday this past Saturday and she returns back to work early next month. I thank everyday for the blessings.
I am in my own place. Its bittersweet. I miss my mom but its good to be in my own place.
Take care everyone.
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:23 PM
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:hi: Good to know that you are doing well. I'm glad to hear that you got into your new apartment and that is going well. I hope your Mom is doing well and being treated well. You have to take care of yourself sometimes in life before you can be any help to anyone else.
:hug: :loveya:
Hope to see you around here more once you get more settled. :hi:
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:25 PM
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2. I'm settled in very well. |
I have been without the internet for about 4 weeks now. And now that I have it again I am kind of questioning if I need it lol.
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:26 PM
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3. I know that if I didn't have it I would get |
a lot more done. It seems all I do lately outside of work is stay logged on. :(
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:30 PM
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4. CP! It's so good to see you. I was just thinking about you the |
other day.
I'm so glad that your mom is doing well.
And I think it's good that you got your own place, though I do understand the bittersweet feeling.
Don't stay away so long. :pals:
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:33 PM
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I am doing really fine. My mom and I make sure we talk at least once a day.
I should be in the bed because of work tonight but I am wide awake on the internet. If I don't get back in the bed I am going to look like this by 3 am :boring: :boring: :hangover: :boring: :boring: :hangover: :boring: :boring: :hangover: :boring: :boring: :hangover:
Left Is Write
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:33 PM
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Best wishes to both you and your mother.
crim son
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:37 PM
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The news about your mother is very good and I'm relieved to hear it. It's hard to be separated from mom, but you are fortunate that you get to talk to her regularly. So glad you checked in and gave us an update. :hi:
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Wed Jan-17-07 04:56 PM
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Good to see ya! :hi: :hug:
Blessings to both you and your beloved mom.
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Wed Jan-17-07 05:00 PM
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Glad to hear your mom is doing well & you're settled in at your new place.
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Wed Jan-17-07 05:05 PM
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Good to hear that mom is improving.
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Thu Feb 13th 2025, 04:50 AM
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