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what i Learned at racist OSHA10 today

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sniffa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 10:14 PM
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what i Learned at racist OSHA10 today
i had the OSHA10 construction site cLass today, and aside from a very boring 10 hours (yes, he actuaLLy kept us the fuLL 10 hours, and it was boring to me since i've had about 10 variations of this cLass over the years) i was entertained by the instructor with some pretty fucked up shit.

to begin our cLass, we went around the room stating our names, occupation, hometown, company, etc...
one of my coworkers went and stated that he was from sLovakia and the instructor smiLed and said, "do you Like america? it's a great country isn't it?"
thinking back, i thought at the time that was kinda odd - just not the response i ever hear when i find out someone isn't murkin.

anyhow, after introductions, and viewing remember charLie, then discussing eLectricity, PPE, and tooLs, we broke for Lunch.
to entertain us he pLayed this:

yeah, afghani turban hunt. what's that smeLL? my sand master took out that cameL jockey. etc.

i was stunned; not because someone wouLd find that funny, but that they wouLd expect their cLass to find it funny. at Least be professionaL when you work.

sometime Later he was discussing his time down in new orLeans right after katrina, and said, "when i first got down there i was based in the 9th ward, snort and Let me teLL you if you don't know that's Like... it's the scummiest of scumbags that Live there. there's drug addicts.. aLcohoLics.. and the homeLess."
one guy in the cLass actuaLLy started to Laugh and acknowLedge that he knew what he was saying. *wink wink*

yeah, that certificate was worth it.
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philosophie_en_rose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 10:16 PM
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1. Nice. This guy teaches about appropriate workplace practices?
Edited on Sat Jan-20-07 10:19 PM by philosophie_en_rose
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EstimatedProphet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 10:18 PM
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2. Believe me, I know the feeling
Since I started my new job I've had several training classes like that. I don't know what it is about those classes but for some reason they bring out the bumblefucks.
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blonndee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 10:18 PM
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3. I don't know what OSHA10 is
but OSHA is a federal agency, right? I'd be figuring out who's the boss of this racist asshole and making some complaints ASAP.
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