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You can't see if I'm not listening

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Swede Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 01:44 AM
Original message
You can't see if I'm not listening

Chase destruction of your own emotions
And your need for love, makes you easy prey
Safety of a rubber glove seems much too simple
Climbing up and down, waiting for the day
You can't see if I'm not listening
You can't hear with my eyes open
I can hate with my eyes open
I feel better when I'm numb
Chase distraction of your own existence
Keep it clean, clean enough to stab
Lick your own wounds, anxious for the next one
Cry for more pain, heal what you have
You can't see if I'm not listening
You can't hear with my eyes open
I can't hate with my eyes open
I feel better when I'm numb
Just another hit for the one you love
If you cared at all, you'd put me down
Wake up dead man, can't you see I'm starving
You can't see if I'm not listening
You can't hear with my eyes open
I can't hate with my eyes open
I feel better when I'm numb
I feel better
I feel better when I'm numb

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idgiehkt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 01:46 AM
Response to Original message
1. is this new or old?
she has a nice voice, unique...a little of Dolores ORiordan and maybe some Tori Amos
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