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In honor of all the snow we are getting, tell us your funny driving on snow stories!

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Archae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:12 PM
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In honor of all the snow we are getting, tell us your funny driving on snow stories!
Back when I was 19 or 20, I was getting off the freeway in a snowstorm, and approaching the stop sign, I went into a skid.

I panicked.

Steered the wrong way.

I stopped at the stop sign, fortunately.


The guy who had been behind me, was now in front of me, and he was :rofl:
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KG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:16 PM
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1. several times i went through intersections, sideways, unable to stop,
screaming like a little girl, wetting my pants. fortunately i made it thru ok, but i don't miss that shit.

florida rocks.
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Droopy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:18 PM
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2. Man, I don't have any funny ones
I'm a trucker and I hate snow. Most of the time if it snows when I'm out on the road I see all kinds of bad shit happening. I hate to be anti-funny, but that's the facts.
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:18 PM
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3. Jan 5, 2004
Driving to a seminar during rush hour and when driving over the bridge the car spun a 360... I missed the curbside, I missed other drivers, other drivers missed me, nary a horn was honked, and nobody made the nightly news. Damn.

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S n o w b a l l Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:28 PM
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4. Driving to my sisters....
I couldn't make it up her hill so put the car in park halfway up and trekked up the rest of the way. As soon as I get up there, I hear a noise, turned around and saw my car sliding down the hill heading straight for a huge hole they dug out of the street surrounded by barricades. All I could do was stare in horrified silence. It stopped about a foot from plunging into the hole. Whew! I think I fell on my knees and said a hail Mary and I'm not even Catholic.
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Auggie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:42 PM
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5. Christmas night, 1970. Driving I-90 through Cleveland in a Porsche 356
without snow tires and with my brother, who just got his license. It started to snow like crazy a few hours earlier while we were celebrating Christmas at my Aunt's house, and why we didn't leave immediately for home escapes me. Many spin-outs because of the black ice. When we hit a banked curve the car would slide down into the median strip we'd have to push it out back onto the freeway. There weren't many other cars on the road fortunately. Most importantly, the car came through it unscathed. It's funny now when my brother and I look back at it.
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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 12:47 PM
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6. A couple winters ago, I got stuck at a stop sign
At the time that I had to go to work, the city had plowed the main roads but not the side streets in our area yet. I was making it alright through unplowed snow. Then I came to the stop sign in front of the main road and stopped like I was supposed to. The snow run off from the plow made this snow deeper than the snow on the unplowed street. I tried to move forward but only made it a couple inches. Then I tried backing up and got even more stuck. After getting out and realizing how stuck I was, I literally ran home, about a half mile away, since I didn't have my cell phone.
I woke my husband up and we took the other car, which has much better ground clearance, and shovels to free my car. Not wanting to take a chance of me getting stuck again, we dropped my car off at home and my husband drove me to work.
The moral of this story is don't stop at stop signs if there is deep snow.
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siouxsiecreamcheese Donating Member (534 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 01:08 PM
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7. I hit the side of a mountain
skidded out, hit it.. tried to keep on driving.. realizing the car wouldn't go, got out and saw that the tires on the passenger side were completly underneith the car. So I said so thats why I couldn't go! and had a hardy laugh.. the car was totaled..I think I laughed because I had a concussion. Thankfully I live more south and don't have to deal with snow anymore.
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driver8 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 01:13 PM
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8. It was college -- Thanksgiving vacation.
I was home and had been out having a few beers with my friends. I wasn't drunk, but probably not as "sharp" as I should have been.

It snowed like crazy while we were in the bar and the roads were slick. I was driving my father's pick-up and started to slide. I turned into the slide like I was supposed to and nothing happened -- I kept sliding right towards a telephone pole. I thought, "I am definitely f*cked."

I slid into the snow bank and missed the pole by inches. I was stuck, but noticed that I had gone into the snow right in front of the house that two of my friends lived in. They were twin brothers and big guys. I knocked on their door (at 3am) and their Mom answered. I said, "Are Greg and George home?" She looked at me strange and went and got them. They came out and pushed me out of the snow bank and I went on my merry way.

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woo me with science Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 01:18 PM
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9. Came walking home yesterday
and two middle aged guys were having the time of their lives racing their car around a huge church parking lot that was iced over. they were spinning and sliding and hoot hoot hollering. It was so cute.
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catmandu57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 02:23 PM
Response to Reply #9
12. I used to do that
As soon as the snow got deep enough, find a parking lot and cut doughnuts, and catsasses, as long as the lot was empty it was great fun.

I was in Minnestota many many years ago with my friend, his girlfriend and another girl, the girls lived there and were trying to get me to drive out on the St. Croix river. It was dark I couldn't see a thing so I told them no, not just no but no fucking way, the next morning we were down by the river again and there were big rock trucks driving across it. I thought if those big boys can be out there I can to, I learned how to drive on slick that day, I couldn't control my car at first, but after a while it was real work to lose control.
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Rhythm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 02:12 PM
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10. It took me 7 hours to get to/from my mom's wedding...
When i was around 30, we all lived outside Charlotte, and my mom had planned her wedding (2nd husband... dad had died about 5 yrs prior) for her birthday, February 3rd.

On Feb 2nd, we had a MASSIVE ice storm... everything was coated in about 1/2-1" of solid ice.

Mom didn't cancel/postpone the festivities, so we had to just crawl along as best we could (in our old Camero) down the 20 miles between our house and the church.

Yes... it took 3 1/2 HOURS each way to make it safely.

The only people who made it to the church were my was-band, daughter, and me, my mom and new step-dad (obviously), my 80-yr-old grandmother (who had ridden with them), my brother and his wife (who had been following just behind them), and one aunt and her husband (who lived maybe 10-minutes from the church). No one else dared chance it.

The drive home was worse... it had gotten progressively colder all day, and even where some of the ice had broken down, it was refreezing.
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InternalDialogue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 02:21 PM
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11. Besides the snow horror stories I have, there's this funny one
Senior year at college in Des Moines. I was driving home for spring break with my former roomie, who also lived in Colorado. My car was a Ford EXP, so you know it was a piece of crap.

Spring break came at the tail end of an ice storm that had knocked out power to campus for three days, so we were already freezing and feeling like Siberian exiles. We loaded up the car, relieved to be in what would soon be a toasty warm cocoon of heat for the drive home. We sat as the engine warmed and waited for the heat to begin defrosting the windows. And we waited... and waited... and waited. The heat never came on, but in the middle of the freezing weather, ice and snow, I couldn't get out to figure it out.

So we drove, 680 miles to Denver overnight, in subfreezing temperatures, with no heater the whole way.

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kwassa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 03:24 PM
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13. Driving on old packed down snow
back streets in the Detroit suburbs. A partial thaw was going on. The streets had never been plowed, just packed down about 6 inches deep by cars driving on top of things. Ice, basically.

Potholes had formed in places in the packed snow, full of ice and water. My car fell into two of them, perfectly spaced apart for my front and back wheels on the passenger side. My car was now suspended on its frame. My friend and I got out, had no idea what to do. Visions of tow trucks loomed in my head, and missing the movie we had set out to see.

It was also very foggy, and dark. Suddenly four big guys appeared out of the fog and looked at us and our situation. They offered to help, and the six of us literally picked up the car on that one side and slid it over a foot, getting the wheels out of the potholes. We thanked them, they disappeared in to the fog, and we drove away.

We had been stuck for less than a minute.
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