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The Democratic Kid Donating Member (185 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 02:23 PM
Original message
Republicans just keep dishing it out. They want more and more and more and more.Mean while we the people get less and less and less and less.Look lets face it they hate us because the Democratic party is about helping others and love.Most Republicans love their money more that the people that help to fill their pockets.The Rerublican party sits at the right hand of the Devil.Anything having to do with helping others the answer always is,WE can't afford it.The 12 billion that they pissed away to the drug and insurance compainies should have gone to lowering costs and reducing the pain and suffering that plages our health care system.To all you Republicans who look the other way and refuse to do whats right by our people and by your actions slow or stop real legislation that can help the very people that voted for you,and bring relief to millions of suffering Americans. I say this,one day in your future you will be the ones lying in that nursing home bed and mabe just mabe I might be working there and I will so help me god deliver on to you some of the same HELL that my family went threw. Have a nice day SCUM BAGS! To all my Democratic brothers and sisters out there,DEFEND TO THE END! Take Care. The Democratic Kid... Ps. This post is not for the weak at hart.
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lpbk2713 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 03:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. They will get their just reward in due course.
And BTW, welcome to DU............... :hi:
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