Miss dose of Effexor + Read HP Lovecraft= Seriously weird dreams
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Wed Dec-17-08 11:05 PM
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Miss dose of Effexor + Read HP Lovecraft= Seriously weird dreams |
Edited on Wed Dec-17-08 11:06 PM by BlueDogDemocratNH
Holy crap.
Something about being on a fishing boat that was careening around in a creepy underwater cavern.
Cthulhu sends his regards...
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Wed Dec-17-08 11:18 PM
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1. The other night I dreamed |
that I ripped my dog's ear off and made her eat it. x(
Dr. Strange
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Wed Dec-17-08 11:27 PM
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Cthulhu does not send his regards. Cthulhu waits for the day when he can slake his thirst on the rotting husk of the few remaining souls that manage to survive the awakening of the Elder Ones.
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Thu Dec-18-08 12:08 AM
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3. Amatuer. Try reading Naked Lunch on a high fever. |
Seriously try it. The book makes a lot more sense that way.
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 01:06 AM
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