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Someone call Harry Stamper & the Gang - Armageddon could happen in April 13th 2036

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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 09:45 AM
Original message
Someone call Harry Stamper & the Gang - Armageddon could happen in April 13th 2036;_ylt=At_OdvS3i5Apbw8f5KhgK2IDW7oF

Scientists seek ways to ward off killer asteroids

WASHINGTON — A blue-ribbon panel of scientists is trying to determine the best way to detect and ward off any wandering space rocks that might be on a collision course with Earth.

``We're looking for the killer asteroid,'' James Heasley , of the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy , last week told the committee that the National Academy of Sciences created at Congress' request.

Congress asked the academy to conduct the study after astronomers were unable to eliminate an extremely slight chance that an asteroid called Apophis will slam into Earth with devastating effect in 2036.

Apophis was discovered in 2004 about 17 million miles from Earth on a course that would overlap our planet's orbit in 2029 and return seven years later. Observers said that the asteroid — a massive boulder left over from the birth of the solar system — is about 1,000 feet wide and weighs at least 50 million tons

Apophis was discovered in 2004 about 17 million miles from Earth on a course that would overlap our planet's orbit in 2029 and return seven years later. Observers said that the asteroid — a massive boulder left over from the birth of the solar system — is about 1,000 feet wide and weighs at least 50 million tons.

After further observations, astronomers reported that the asteroid would skim by Earth harmlessly in 2029, but it has a one in 44,000 probability of slamming into our planet on Easter Sunday , April 13, 2036


Easter Sunday - OMG the Rapturists are going to go nuts that this could be the big one!

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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 10:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. Geez the world is going to fricking explode in 28 years and no one seems to care
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SoxFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 10:47 AM
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2. Hey, that's my birthday!
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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:04 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. Well that'll be your last one too
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Chan790 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 10:59 AM
Response to Original message
3. Well...
that's because they write this story about every 3 months and they always leave out the most-important part...they'll be able to confirm the return course in 2036 with near-absolute certainty by the first-pass in 2029 and that those 7 years represent ample time to undertake a deflection, something they have been strategizing for since the day they discovered that Apophis might be a threat for terrestrial collision. That is...we're not going to die, we might just have to undertake some sort of "corrective" measure.
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Deep13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:04 AM
Response to Original message
4. I knew about this. They won't know for sure until they see...
...where it goes after the first near miss. I don't know what corrective measures really exist if we find it is going to hit us.
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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:06 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Well we have a correctice measure already in place - just watch Armageddon
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Deep13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:17 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. If only we could find a lovable collection of doofuses to do it.
Edited on Thu Dec-18-08 11:18 AM by Deep13
Hopefully, there will be emotional interactions among the crew and, if we are lucky, a poignant self-sacrifice to drive home the importance of the mission.
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old mark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:30 AM
Response to Reply #4
9. Really, nothing. They have been theorising about this for decades
but there is nothing we have large enough to turn something like that off course with any certainty.
The 3 weeks or so before it hits would be a great time to max out your credit cards.....

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Deep13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:34 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. We could send a probe with an ion motor to the asteroid and land it.
Both ion motors and landing on an asteroid have been done before. Once there, the ion motor can slightly alter the orbit to guantee a miss. This would have to be done soon to give the probe time to get there and to maximize its effect. Of course we can only do this if there is no chance we will screw up and make things worse.
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old mark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 04:57 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. Probably best to wait till Bush is out of office.....nt
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old mark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:27 AM
Response to Original message
8. Well, if I'm still around do see it, I will be 89 years old,not a bad run.
Sorry to be taking so many others along,but it would be a pretty dramatic way to go.

I better start jogging and eating better - It should be pretty interesting!

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