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Symarip Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 03:46 PM
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I only post at a handful of boards. Here's a confrontation I got into recently with some twit from the UK. His bullshit will be in italics.

you got yo be kidding right?
The word Numptie comes to mind.

This has got NOTHING to do with opinion or 'politics' its personal.. your slating towards me in this topic has always been a personal one.. not ONCE have you discussed the subject with me but only insult.. ok..thats a fact.
Right the next point.
Why did you bring up the fact i can't write? what has THAT got to do with anything..or what does that have to do with politics and opinion? NOTHING... its ties in with the my comment above.. it all looks personal not political.. thats a fact

It seems to me your not willing for a different opinion, and don't want to be challenged.. not that i was challenging in the first place.... in fact i didn't get the chance before you jumped down my throat as soon as you found that i didn't support the same side you did. clearly you wanted to gag me and push me off before i have the chance to speak.

And if you can be fucked to go back to the start you'll see what I'm talking about.. but I'm sure you'll skip a few things and change a few bits and bobs to suite your new made argument.

I'm sure everyone on here is intelligent to read inbetween the lines that this has clearly been a personal attack and not a well constructed debate
considering my first two points were pointing out that i was a British and who i supported as somene borught up the lack or Brit supporters.
and that i didn't like Trick or treat and guy forks. . maybe B_T found that offensive?
Because thats what sparked the issues.. and neither are political points which makes this whole argument even more amazing.

If i said i liked Obama would we be having this convo? NO..
don't be fucking stupid of cause we wouldn't you'd have no reason to feel threatened.
If i ahd started with 'im a Brit and i like Obama' how would you reacted? (answer the question)

You make me sick.
Behave, grow up.. lets talk political not personal.
and stop wasteing my fucking time on childish pranks and insults.
However if you don't want to address the issue and you know I'm right just tell me you don't understand a word and wiggle your way out of it that way.. cause i think we all know what it means when a debate sinks so low.


This will be my last post on the subject.

Wombstar, I have jumped to no conclusions. If you feel like reading back a few posts, yourself, you'll find I stated nothing about being an Obama supporter (even though I am one) nor is my issue with your political stance. In fact, I'm not 100% crazy about Obama, either. The problem is far more generic than the scope of this thread and this is why: you're a dick and an illiterate dick at that. Your posts are often omnipotent and self righteous which is probably why ********* called you out on making broadbrush 'being British' statements. Then, to top it off, you play victim when your card's been pulled.

Sorry pal, I don't have a problem with what team you want to play on. And to be honest, there are other people on here I'd probably have a much more meaningful political discussion with whom I know for a fact I'd disagree with. No sir, my problem is you and your consistent holier-than-thou attitude wrapped up in nearly undecipherable gibberish. You can tell me to grow up all you want and role your aggressor/victim dice when it suits your needs but don't be surprised in life when others who don't feel like playing your game tell you to fuck off.
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DS1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 03:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. If Osama get's elected I'm got shit myself.
Edited on Thu Dec-18-08 03:52 PM by DS1
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DS1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That is so stupid, it deserves at least one kick
Edited on Thu Dec-18-08 10:22 PM by DS1
edit: Code Brown, people! Code Brown!
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Chan790 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-08 11:26 PM
Response to Original message
3. Halp! My crema's fallen and I can't get it up.
Subject: Crema dissipation on Vivace Dolce

Hello all, thought I would try something other than Black Cat for a change and ordered some Vivace Dolce. Received it 4 days after roasting and was excited at my first pull...tons of crema, about 2/3 of the 2 oz was crema. However after about 15 seconds the almost all of the crema was gone an I was left with a 1 oz shot with a thin layer of crema. No matter what I did to adjust my pull I go the same result. Fortunately the taste was fine (not as good as Black Cat however) maybe a touch on the sour side but not distractingly so. Is this indicative of this blend or am I missing something? Also remember that Vivace likes to be brewed at a higher temp?

Thanks for your help!

BTW Im using a PID'd Silvia with an adjustable OPV set to just above 9 bar.

Technical troubleshooting from the coffee-nerd crowd. Not in any way interesting to anybody outside the coffee profession, I'd wager.'s the only other board I post on, a professional board for baristi.'s a picture of a kitten.

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