First off, this would be only a metaphor, and does not attempt to raise the standing of William Shatner or James T Kirk. Although I like the character and the man.
Look at the photo. Everyone on the right side is smiling, everone on the left side is not.
On the right of the captain, is the doctor, the nurse the Scottish engineer, and the Russian navigator.
Doctor and nurse, well we got an idea about what they represent.
The scott engineer, thats pretty obvious, railroad engineers of a certain exclusive society. And look how Scotty is the only one not in the group, but he is a bit away from the others.
and the russian.
On the left the vulcan, no emotion science, the asian belonging to a social group, and a secretary, or communications officer.
So on the right is the upper class, and representation of privileged groups, and even a representative of an economic system, that matches themes in startrek, where people do not have money, and people work for fulfillment not money.
and on the left is minorities, working class, social groups, and even the vulcan, many times associated with, well, pointy ears, originally suppose to have red face, you get the idea.
Everyone on the right side, except the russian, have past away, (may God give comfort to them, and their friends that feel their loss), everyone on the left is still alive.
Why do I find a metaphor in this??????????
But here is the thing. The side they are on is based on the perspective of the people in the picture. If the person looking out towards them were asked what side of the chair are they on, it would be flipped. This is an acceptable flip, cause of coarse Kirk is not more then just a person. Or this flips, since it could not be accurate metaphorical representation without breaking prime directive, or first rule.
I guess I am wondering if this was intentional by the people that told them where to stand, especially since so many themes Star Trek themes, especially regarding spock, borg, etc... were of a spiritual nature.
I know this is just interpretation, but I found it interesting, and do not give it any actual value, other then something to muse on.