North Carolina man found more than just bread when he opened up a bag of hot dog buns. Bruce Van Dyne says, "I was cooking dinner and I brought these out and I opened them up."
An unwelcome condiment on his hot dog bun.
Bruce says, "that's our little friend right there. And that clearly is a mouse."
The rodent's parts he says, are pretty easy to make out.
Bruce says, "I see the little ears. Clearly that's a tail. I don't know what that is, part of his leg or something, but that mouse is baked in there."
http://www.kare11.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=528434So he called Arnold bread but says they told him not to call the Concord store where he bought the buns.
Bruce says, "she told me, 'ah no, you don't need to call BJ's, just send it back to us.'"
But he says, he worried about other customers.
Bruce says, "mice don't travel in isolation. They travel with other mice and if one mouse got in, others could've."
BJ's Wholesale apparently worried, too. They pulled all bread products made at the same Florida factory where these buns came from.
Bruce says, "other consumers should be concerned about this. How did it get there? Is it the only one?"