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PSA: Back up your important computer stuff.

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Droopy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 08:46 AM
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PSA: Back up your important computer stuff.
You guys know that series of stories I've written called Stories From the Road, right? I've got 25 of those little deals together, plus some poems, a few longer works of fiction, and some other important documents on my computer. I would be devastated if I were to lose those. So, every once in a while I back up those documents. I also created a disc with those stories on it that I'm giving to one of my relatives.

I was reminded about that when I saw something about someone on here getting a new computer. I'm probably getting pretty close to needing a new one as well. Mine is over 5 years old. Now I don't have to worry about losing anything in case something bad happens.
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Tuttle Donating Member (919 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:13 AM
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1. I thinking of getting a NAS
Network Attached Storage device: they act like a file server but go out and automatically backup important directories on your computer (and other computers) on your network. Lots of times, they are configured with RAID which is a multi-disc; reduntant backup - the theory being that the odds of a disc failure are higher than they should be but with RAID, one would need ALL discs to fail to lose important data. They come in a variety of bells and whistles but they generally store more than 1TB (terrabite = one thousand gigabites). They are now well within reach of home users $$$-wise.

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leeroysphitz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-21-08 09:59 AM
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2. You could use WinZip to compress and archive important documents
Then split the archive into 1.4 mb chunks and load them onto a series of numbered floppy discs.
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