My Christmas CD's...
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Sun Dec-21-08 02:40 PM
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I have 5.
One is a CD of those "fan club records" that the Beatles used to make each year at Christmastime.
Listening to the last couple years of those, a person can tell the Beatles were into their chemistry experiments. :smoke:
I also have a 4-CD set:
1. Symphonic Christmas 2. Country Christmas 3. Choral Christmas 4. Contemporary Christmas
The 4-CD set I got from a garage sale that was selling out a store's stuff, after the store closed up.
Radical Activist
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Sun Dec-21-08 02:59 PM
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Why aren't these a box set like everything else the beatles ever recorded?
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Sun Dec-21-08 03:06 PM
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2. They probably will be. |
Someone already put all of them onto an .mp3 file.
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Tue Feb 11th 2025, 01:19 AM
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