About 2 Feet of Snow out there
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Sun Dec-21-08 03:54 PM
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About 2 Feet of Snow out there |
hasn't stopped since Friday.
warm and RAIN on Wednesday!
hheeeelllllooooooooo SUMP PUMP! :scared:
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:00 PM
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1. Eh, we only have about 6-8" |
And I live on a hill. Whee!!
But I'm on the 4th floor, so if there's a flood, I'm good. ;)
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:08 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. My kitty is most displeased. |
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:10 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. I watched one of my neighbors dutifully clear his car of snow... |
Then, I watched as he failed in his attempt to get out of his parking spot. This sucks. I join your kitty in being displeased.
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:17 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. Yes, it's a sad fact but true |
that we get so little snow in this area that we're at a fundamental level, befuddled as to how to deal with it. The locks on my car were frozen the other day (and actually every day since). I'd no idea how to deal with it. So I came back inside, poured a hot cup of coffee and Googled some useful advice off the internets from folks who live in colder climes.
Most of my neighbours and I don't even own snow shovels.
I have no snow melting thingamies in my home so I've just been chucking a bit of kitty litter out onto my ice-covered front step to improve traction.
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:20 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
7. If I can get out of my parking lot, the roads are in passable condition. |
My parking lot exits are at the bottom of a steep hill.
My car doors were frozen shut, so, I had to grab the frame with both hands and yank. I'm sure the lock would have been frozen as well, but I have keyless entry.
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:12 PM
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4. The high for today here is -30C. |
It was -41C when I got up this morning. Brutally cold.
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Sun Dec-21-08 04:19 PM
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6. we are only getting an inch.... |
but we'll have a low of 10 tonight. Guess that really isn't much compared to what everyone else is getting.
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Sun Feb 09th 2025, 10:14 PM
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