My Apple laptop's fans go nutso now when doing anything Flash, while my PC jumps through hoops with ease and nary a slowdown or murmer from the fans. I suspect Jobs didn't want folks to realize that his Apple hardware isn't able to handle large amounts of Flash on the internet because it overheats it and won't keep up, and so he's saying Flash is just too buggy to use.
As a lifelong Mac user, I'm rooting for all the competitors right now - Nexus One, Google android platform, Palm Pre et al., and every other slate computer heading to market that supports Flash on the web. Someone has to stop the ridiculous 'my-way-or-the-highway' Jobs before he erases half the history of the internet by blanking out anything ever created with Flash completely - yes that's right - everything that has ever been done in history of the internet with Flash will become entirely unwatchable on his iPhoney and iFad. Talk about erasing history. Jobs is an idiot... he should have said he wouldn't support anything Flash GOING FORWARD, so that everything that exists already that has been created with Flash still is usable.
I can't imagine all the creative learning pages and special features of websites across the planet that will be lost to those who use the iFad thinking it does everything.