San Franciscans, if you think it is worthwhile to protest and flyer this meeting of right wing nutcases, please reply.
The CEI's Fred Barnes is coming to San Francisco to use the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" to deny global warming this Wednesday evening at 6 pm. CEI and PRI are major players in the effort to mislead the public about global warming. The attorney general's of Maine and New Hampshire have requested that the Justice Department investigate an e-mail from the White House inviting the CEI to file a lawsuit attempting to discredit a government report on global warming (The Bush Admin then settled the "friendly" lawsuit out of court.) I could dig up the link if anyone is interested.
Residence of Kathie Alden
1170 Sacramento Street, #2D
San Francisco, CA 94108
Actually, I don't live in California, and I don't know how the logistics would go, but I thought I'd throw this idea out there.