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Dennis in California - Monday is Dennis Visibility Day

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cosmicdot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 12:33 PM
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Dennis in California - Monday is Dennis Visibility Day

Mayor Kucinich

Wear your tee-shirts and hats! Plaster your car with signs. Most of all, help with Banner Hanging at key locations throughout the state on Monday, President's Day, all day.

Check with Southern Cal. office at 323-655-6617 or Northern Cal. Field offcie at 510-420-0772.

We have banners, we have goodies. We need your help to get out the word on Dennis. Bring a friend.

Above all, observe caution. Be alert when hanging banners. Stay with your banners. They cannot be left unatended on overpasses. Make sure they are secure. Don't cause accidents.

If asked to leave by police, please leave without argument. There will be other chances.

Thanks so much. Let us know how it goes.

Don't forget we are canvassing and phonebanking too. Check with your local coordinator or respond to this
email if you can help.

18 days and counting!

Dotty LeMieux
State Political Director

I'm not Dotty.
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Webster Green Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 12:40 PM
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1. Kucinich event in Northern California (North Bay)........
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