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Bush media whore Blitzer and Russert (w/Fineman, et al) dump on Kerry

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-28-04 07:51 PM
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Bush media whore Blitzer and Russert (w/Fineman, et al) dump on Kerry
Tonight CNN's Blitzer explained Tora Bora(letting bin Laden get away) was "mostly not Bush", and indeed Wolf found a need to read the Bush response to Kerry as if it was the CNN response.

Meanwhile super NBC media whore Russert is on CNBC with Finemen, Gloria, and a fellow from Time - and this group says Kerry is not loved - just the fellow Dem primary folks say "OK" to, and that Kerry's speech pattern annoys, and that Kerry has no issues that will win the General Election because the ONLY issue that will win the General is the Economy - and Edwards owns that issue and indeed Edwards connects to workers while Kerry does not.

Also that Bush can sell the idea that Kerry - or Edwards - are wimps asking for legal permission to defend the US, while Bush sees the bad guy and stops him - you are either with my approach or not - and if you feel wimpy go vote for Kerry

And they buy the Kerry is on both sides of every issue - they refuse to discuss context (unlike Blitzer trying to help Bush, I dare say these whores will never volunteer context that might help the Dem), and as to corruption and $200 million campaign chest being filled by selling our country, the environment, and our kids future down the drain - they feel it will not sell to advantage Kerry because the average voter feels that both Dem and GOP are evil and on the take, so any corruption charge against Bush just will not stick.

But they had no response to the Bush is inept - and has messed up the economy and jobs.

So I came away thinking - yep - the Dems - Kerry - will win in the fall!

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David Dunham Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-28-04 07:55 PM
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1. If either JK or JE win, they should break up the media giants.
Put these pundits out of work.
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childslibrarian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-28-04 08:03 PM
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2. I have an idea which I will repeat
Kerry should run on a platform that shrub and co. are selling our children (and younger voters) down the drain to cash in on the older
about to retire voter. For security will disappear--except for people who are about to retire. The trillion plus debt will be paid off by our children. You get the drift.
Kerry...for the future...
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fearnobush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-28-04 08:18 PM
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3. Blast them Hard.
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