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Carolina TV news doesn't verify storm closing info

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Newsjock Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 05:33 PM
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Carolina TV news doesn't verify storm closing info
Edited on Sun Feb-29-04 05:58 PM by Newsjock
No wonder the media stinks -- they don't fact-check the news anymore, and they apparently don't fact-check the storm closings. This appears to be the message board that started the whole thing:

See a whole boatload o' screen grabs here:

Prank results in fake closings
Cable news outlet changing system

By VICKI HYMAN, Staff Writer

A local TV news station inadvertently aired a series of smutty business closings as part of its weather coverage Thursday night, thanks to pranksters with decent computer skills and "Saturday Night Live" sensibilities.

News 14 Carolina, the 24-hour local news station run by Time Warner Cable, ran the fake announcements mixed with real closings for hours before station workers shut down the automated, Internet-based closings system.

Meanwhile, viewers learned that an emporium selling a certain sex accessory would be open Friday; that a chicken restaurant that sounds like -- but is not spelled like -- a sex act would have limited hours; and that a day-care center called "Bring 'Em Young" would be closed Friday.

The tipoff for the latter was the contact information: R. Kelly, the name of the singer who is facing child pornography charges.


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Tripper11 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-04 10:57 AM
Response to Original message
1. That is freaking hilarious!!!!
I defintately bookmarked the page listing and shwoing all the screen shots of the closings.
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