When the government owes itself $US1.6 trillionBy Bill Mitchell
http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=15591I did some research today on the outstanding US public debt – not because I think it is particularly important but because a journalist asked me yesterday during an interview – how much of the total US Treasury Debt is held by the US government – I said off the top of my head about 42 per cent which was a quick calculation based on work I did about 12 months ago and a rapid adding up off what I remembered from the monthly reports since then with a quick division thrown in. It turns out after I have updated the databases I keep that my “guesstimate” was not misleading (as at March 2011). The journalist then said – “so lets get this straight, the US government owes itself money equivalent to 42 per cent of its total outstanding liabilities?” Answer: yes. He then responded: “to fix the debt problem why wouldn’t they just write it off?”. Answer: I don’t see a US public debt problem. But because you do, then the answer is that for the most part they could just write it off as long as their were some additional legislative changes (for example, they would have to finance the operations of the US Federal Reserve in a different manner). So who owns the US debt?
There are a few data sets that you can pull together to break the total US public debt outstanding into various categories. The US Treasury Department provides an extensive (though awkward) data resource – for example,
http://www.fms.treas.gov/bulletin/b2011_2ofs.doc">Ownership of Federal Securities. The US Treasury also provide data which provides a
http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/tic/Documents/mfh.txt">Foreign breakdown. The US Federal Reserve provides
http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41">Consolidated Balance Sheet data.
The following pie-chart is the result of some calculations as at March 2011. It shows the proportions of total US Public Debt held by various “interesting” categories. This chart tells you that the government sector held about 42 per cent of its own debt in March 2011 and the private sector held the rest (of-course).
The scare-mongering campaign that has been waged by the deficit terrorists in recent years holds out that US public debt holdings are dominated by the Chinese. If you call 8 per cent a domination then your sense of calibration is different to mine. The three largest foreign US debt holders at March 2011 are China (8 per cent); Japan (6.4 per cent) and Britain (2.3 per cent). The total foreign held share was equal to 31.4 per cent in March 2011.