http://pragcap.com/misunderstanding-the-effects-of-qe2-was-a-grave-mistakeNo story has dominated the market news flow in the last year like QE2. From its very inception I said the program was a “
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1655039">monetary non-event” and not going to achieve its targets for several reasons (it’s not money printing, it doesn’t alter the amount of outstanding private sector net financial assets, it’s not debt monetization, etc). But perhaps more importantly, I’ve discussed the potential negative effects the program could have through the channels of misconception. In other words, the myths of “stimulus”, money printing and debt monetization were all likely to fuel investors with a misguided perception as to how the program would impact the real economy.
I have called this effect an
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1867524">embedded disequilibrium in the market caused directly by the Fed and exacerbated by market participants who quite simply don’t understand what QE is or how it actually works. From the perspective of the Fed, they thought they could “keep assets higher than they otherwise would be” (infamous last words of Brian Sack of the NY Fed). But because
http://pragcap.com/quantitative-easing-3-another-monetary-non-event">QE had no transmission mechanism through which it could impact the real economy it in fact only created a disequilibrium between market expectations and the real economy via psychological channels. And as the real economy has sunk we’ve seen much of this embedded “Bernanke Put” come out of the market in the last few months.
In just the last 24 hours we’ve seen the wheels come off of the “Bernanke Put” bus. The markets appear to be realizing that the Emperor truly does have no clothes, that QE isn’t all it was cracked up to be and that the Fed can’t save the economy with their magical printing press (
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1905625">don’t worry – the Fed doesn’t print money anyhow, but that’s for another day).
Now, I think it’s a bit hyperbolic to say that the markets have lost faith in the Fed entirely, but I think we’re certainly seeing the market lose some faith in the Fed’s omnipotence. 20 years of flawed monetary policy,
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1905625">mythical thinking about the workings of our monetary system and misguided market intervention bring us to this point. Unfortunately, misguided policy has now created such disequilibrium in the markets that the backlash has the very real potential to cause real economic declines. So buckle up folks. We’re living in a golden age of economic transformation and theory. Unfortunately, that means we have to erase the decades of myth and fantasy perpetuated by the same neoclassical economists who got us into this mess in the first place (most of whom are still driving this bus). And that’s going to cause a great deal of policy error, misconception and uncertainty. Hopefully in the end we’ll come out of this a bit wiser. One can hope….