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"Uncertain economic conditions": what does that mean ?

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steve2470 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 09:08 AM
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"Uncertain economic conditions": what does that mean ?
My point is, there is NEVER certainty in the global economy or US economy. Yes, there are periods of less certainty and more certainty but aside from buying US Treasury bonds (and even that was put in doubt recently), there is no guarantee you will make money on an investment.

Am I that far off in my assessment ?
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HughBeaumont Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 09:11 AM
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1. "uncertainty" = dog whistle for "I don't want to pay any kind of tax EVER".
Who are the wealthy bullshittin'?
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 09:54 AM
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2. Quite correct. nt
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pscot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 12:00 PM
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3. The technical term is "shitty"
We have shitty economic conditions and they may get worse.
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 12:34 PM
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4. "Uncertain about quick speculative gains" is what it means. nt
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IndyPragmatist Donating Member (556 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-29-11 12:07 PM
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5. They really mean political conditions
And they are completely right. Nobody knows what the leadership will be in this nation in 15 months, we could have someone who wants to add more regulation to the economy or we could have someone who wants to remove all regulation. Nobody really knows and to invest based on either assumptions is a gamble. The big time traders are smart, they have a wealth of information available to them.

Here is a good example. Our current administration has shown willingness to invest in and subsidize renewable energy. So this provides more incentive to invest in these companies because you know they will have the support of the government. If somebody like Perry gets elected, you know that these industries won have the support of the federal government anymore.

This is the type of stuff they are talking about when they say there are uncertain market conditions. The healthcare law is another good example. Many Republicans are talking about repealing it. While the law is good for people, it can cause some restraints on businesses. I believe it's worth the trade-off, but if you are only interested in corporate profits, you do not want the law around.

Economic uncertainty is when people do not know how the government will impact the private sector. People do not want to hedge their risk by waiting until the 2012 election is over, so they have a better idea of where things are going. I assure you, Democrat or Republican, we will see a lot of growth in the markets after the election because there will be more political stability.
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Bill USA Donating Member (628 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 07:47 PM
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6. The uncertainty that has REALLY been holding back businesses back from hiring
is the Republicans efforts to kill any recovery that the Dems can get started. Between using filibuster threats to force Obama to propose very downsized stimulus bills to repetitively threatening to close down the Government, the Republicans have sufficiently scared Business managers away from taking on any additional employees, fearing the GOP could succeed in taking us back into DEEPER a recession.

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