Look how much the bank stocks have fallen this year:
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Mon Oct-17-11 12:37 PM
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Look how much the bank stocks have fallen this year: |
AIG:............. 52wk Range: 19.18 - 62.87...........today: 22.46 and falling
BOA:............ 52wk Range: 5.13 - 15.31............today: 6.09 and falling
ShittyBank:.......52wk Range: 21.40 - 51.50...........today: 27.97 and falling
Goldman Sachs.....52wk Range: 84.27 - 175.34..........today: 96.23 and falling
JP Morgan Chase...52wk Range: 27.85 - 48.36...........today: 31.25 and falling
Wells Fargo......52wk Range: 22.58 - 34.25...........today:..24.69 and falling
What do you wanna bet that AIG and BOA don't make it????
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Mon Oct-17-11 12:41 PM
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1. If BoA doesn't make it, |
Merrill Lynch might disappear totally, and that's a scary thought, since I do have money in Merrill Lynch.
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Tue Oct-18-11 05:00 AM
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6. Take it away so no need to be scared :) |
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Tue Oct-18-11 01:21 PM
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7. I've had my money there for some years now, |
same account manager for two decades. For now I'll stay.
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Mon Oct-17-11 01:06 PM
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I've never heard of that one before. Oh, wait... :D
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Mon Oct-17-11 01:11 PM
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3. I wouldn't take that bet |
The treasury dept will find some way to save their sorry asses.
Involving our tax dollars of course.
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Mon Oct-17-11 03:19 PM
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4. They will be broken apart |
I expect BAC to be broken apart in the next 6 months. I think that they are just rearranging assets and liabilities under the various companies within the holding company that is BAC. For example, I think it makes sense to strip the Countrywide division of all it's profitable mortgage servicing functions and leave all the fraudulent mortgage originating and robo signing liabilities in Countrywide and then declare bankruptcy for Countrywide to limit the total damages that BAC would be on the hook for.
In addition, it seems the Move your Money Movement is picking up steam with people closing their accounts.
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Mon Oct-17-11 03:57 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. Yes, essentially making a "bad bank" out of Countrywide, full of bad loans. |
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Fri Jan 24th 2025, 09:02 AM
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