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You want to know why everyone in this country hates you and wants you dead, you big stupid fucking

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Mira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-11 09:22 AM
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You want to know why everyone in this country hates you and wants you dead, you big stupid fucking
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Joshua M Brown
October 9th, 2011

You want to know why everyone in this country hates you and wants you dead, you big stupid fucking bank?

Here's why, pay attention:

(Reuters) – Bank of America Corp will pay $11 million to ousted executives Joe Price and Sallie Krawcheck, a large payout at a time when banks face protests over pay but smaller than the eight-figure packages some executives received before the financial crisis.

Krawcheck -- a former Citigroup Inc executive who came to Bank of America in 2009 and was one of the top-ranking women on Wall Street -- will receive a one-time payment of $5.15 million, according to separation agreements filed by the bank on Friday.

Price, a Bank of America veteran, gets $4.15 million. Each will also receive $850,000 over a one-year period.

Price was head of consumer banking and Krawcheck led wealth and investment operations.

Elevenmilliondollars? What the hell world are you inhabiting? Eleven million dollars for two departing executives because things didn't work out? I'm sorry, but were these two executives of Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez-level importance for your organization? Is that why there are severance deals like this in place? Or are you just completely psychotic?

It's not that this isn't your prerogative as a private company - it is. But seriously, numbers like these at a time when you're instituting added fees on customer accounts just sound farcical, almost like you're making these payments to get a reaction out people.

You look completely ridiculous with news like this at a time when thousands of people are massing in every major city in the country to make the case that you don't deserve to exist. At a time when you're being investigated for employing robo-signers just to maintain a certain level of foreclosures processed per month. At a time when you're laying off rank-and-file employees not by the hundreds, not by the thousands - but in the tens of thousands. At a time when retired seniors, desperately seeking income, have been pushed into annuities, life settlements, commodities and junk bonds because of the zero percent interest rate policy that was meant to nurse you and your balance sheet back to health - and this is what you do with the money? With OUR money?

Are you crazy?
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SixthSense Donating Member (251 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-11 09:27 AM
Response to Original message
1. It's not their prerogative because they are not a private company!
They exist, operate, and make a profit (allegedly) solely due to the banking franchise granted by government. On top of that they got a bailout of such immense size that each and every one of us can put a four-digit line item in our personal budgets to have to pay it off.

BoA's compensation practices are public business and will remain so as long as that company remains in operation.
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leveymg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-11 09:28 AM
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2. That's a GREAT rant! BoA execs golden chutes too typical of what's destroying America. KNR
Edited on Thu Oct-20-11 09:31 AM by leveymg
At the top, failure is only rewarded. The public, that's paying for this ongoing atrocity, has no say, and the pols are just bought and paid-for by corporate criminals.
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Lint Head Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-11 09:34 AM
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3. It's because these rich pricks signed contracts that said they would receive
this payout on their leaving the company. Contracts like this should be banned or at least tied to the simple equity idea that, 'If the company is having to raise rates because they are losing money you don't get the golden parachute prick!'
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Kat45 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-11 05:18 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. But it's perfectly ok with them to negate contracts that workers have signed.
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Rene Descartes Donating Member (59 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-20-11 09:56 AM
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4. Not least not the friends they have in high places...
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