to and including 2001, BEA's GDP in constant 2000 dollars
4,540.9, 4,750.5, 5,015.0, 5,173.4 5161.7/4540.9 = Carter over 4 years = 3.3% compounded
5,161.7 , 5,291.7, 5,189.3, 5,423.8 Reagan
5,813.6 , 6,053.7, 6,263.6, 6,475.1 Reagan 6742.7/5161.7 = Reagan over 8 yrs = 3.4%
6,742.7 , 6,981.4, 7,112.5, 7,100.5 Bush 41 = 2.1% Reagan&Bush over 12 yrs= 3.0%
7,336.6 , 7,532.7, 7,835.5, 8,031.7 Clinton
8,328.9 , 8,703.5, 9,066.9, 9,470.3 Clinton over 8 years = 3.7%
9,817.0 , 9,866.6, 10,083.0 10,398.0 Bush over 3 years = 1.9%
NOTE.-NIPA national defense consumption expenditures and gross investment differs from DOD military outlays from the Monthly Treasury Statement primarily because of coverage and timing -The DOD series records all transactions on a checks-issued basis.
Checks issued means all checks are part of GDP? So check to US sub of Foreign company, passed on to overseas parent, with sales of overseas item for use in Iraq from overseas plant, counts as an addition to US GDP - or does the pass on to overseas parent count as an import and is thus deducted? I hope it is counted as an import so the numbers are at least a little legit!