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Shark nations failing on conservation pledges (BBC)

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eppur_se_muova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 12:21 PM
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Shark nations failing on conservation pledges (BBC)
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News

Many countries whose fishing fleets catch large numbers of sharks have failed to meet a 10-year-old pledge on conserving the species, a report says.

The wildlife trade monitoring network Traffic and the Pew Environment Group say most of the main shark fishing nations do not manage fisheries well.

Ten years ago, governments agreed a global plan to conserve sharks.

An estimated 100 million sharks are killed each year, with nearly a third of species at risk of extinction.

Many fisheries target the fins for use in shark fin soup; and a number of countries, inclduing the US, have recently passed measures aimed at regulating the trade.
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Nihil Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-11 04:55 AM
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1. And so they'll take the obvious step ...
... another 10-year "pledge" that will be ignored by all parties who
prefer to make a quick profit from driving ancient species extinct
in a particularly horrible manner.

There are no words (that I'm allowed to use on DU) for this behaviour.

:mad: :argh: :nuke:
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