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Garden Tour of Edible Delights

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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 09:03 AM
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Garden Tour of Edible Delights
Where once water-hungry lawns grew, 11 families within a six-block radius of Laguna Beach’s Oak Street tilled and turned the earth into a cornucopia of homegrown produce and an edible garden village.

From patchwork quilts to elegant designs of wild fennel, trellised beans, trailing blackberries and potted potatoes, the public is invited to take a bicycle or walking tour of Oak Village’s vegetable and fruit gardens between 9 a.m. and noon Saturday, May 28. A $10 donation is requested.

The tour starts at La Vida Laguna, 987 Glenneyre St., where a map with 11 garden descriptions and 50 bicycles will be available for tour guests. The tour is hosted by Transition Laguna Beach, the local chapter of a global organization committed to promoting sustainable food, water and energy practices. Tour guests will also be able to view rain-harvesting, gray-water irrigation and composting systems.
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AtheistCrusader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 09:30 AM
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1. Awesome
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