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Scientists claim White House skews data

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fearnobush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 03:01 AM
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Scientists claim White House skews data
PRINCETON - The Bush administration has suppressed or distorted scientific information and undermined the quality of scientific advisory panels, according to a statement issued by a group of more than 60 leading scientists, including three Princeton University professors.

The statement, released Wednesday, calls for regulatory and legislative action to restore scientific integrity to federal policy-making.


Anderson said many administrations have tried to tamper with such information to some extent, but none like the Bush administration.

"That's the nature of the process, but I don't know of any previous administration that has been so persistent about it. It's really quite unprecedented," said Anderson.

Princeton physics professor Val Fitch, also a Noble laureate and recipient of the National Medal of Science, agreed, saying "I have never witnessed a previous occasion when scientists from all fields have taken such a hard stand against the manipulation of facts to suit political goals."

The statement claims the Bush administration often has manipulated the process through which science enters into its decisions when scientific knowledge conflicts with its political goals.


"To deliberately skew the facts to make them jibe with political objectives would appear to me to be inherently dishonest," said Fitch, adding policy decisions should be based on the best and most authoritative information available. <>
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izzie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 03:29 AM
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1. If the WH speaks it is a lie. Each day we see that.
Nice the big wigs have also said it. I do wish the WH would not lie but this Bush and Co is just to far out.
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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 03:30 AM
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2. what--you callin' the pRez "dishonest?"
Watch your mouth, Fitch--he's not only dishonest, he's vindictive. And if any of your research gets federal funding, you can look forward to cuts as a "reward" for calling it like it is.

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NNadir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 04:08 AM
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3. I'm so embarrassed.
I went to SUNY Stony Brook, where Marburger was once President of the University.

We had some fine scientists there, including recent Nobelist Paul Lauterbaur and long ago Nobelist CN Yang.

I'm sure when Stony Brook's trying to recruit scientists in the future, they'll minimize the Marburger connection.
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purplepoet0517 Donating Member (4 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 10:23 AM
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4. WH Lies
Bush lies about surprise here.
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