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The War President's Threat to National and Global Security...

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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-29-04 05:32 PM
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The War President's Threat to National and Global Security...

Critical Analysis

Grave and Gathering Dangers: The War President's Threat to National and Global Security: Part I of III: War Against Science, Health and the Environment
By Manuel Valenzuela, Contributing Editor
Feb 29, 2004, 14:57

"If you believe in a rational universe, in enlightenment, in knowledge and in a search for the truth, this White House is an absolute disaster."
---- Princeton University scientist Michael Oppenheimer

The tip of the iceberg continues its ominous melting and the giant unseen mass of ice below remains submerged, a grave and gathering danger lying waiting in the path of the vessel that is human existence. The state of the planet’s environment and by consequence human health continues its steady decline, in no small part a result of the Bush administration’s ignorant and hypnotizing love of the almighty dollar and the Corporate Leviathan that has shredded rules, regulations and protections once designed to slow the progress of environmental devastation. Today, after three years of the war president’s reign, our environment and health have been methodically pilfered through a carefully orchestrated strategy of lies, deceits and appointments designed to suppress and alter scientific fact and facilitate the Leviathan’s unhindered exploitation of land and man.

From the start of Bush’s ascendancy to the Presidency by the Supreme Court, a plethora of high level and policy-making position appointments were made, selected from a large contingent of minions who had at one time or presently been employed by environmentally degrading industries, utilities and companies, namely those of the mining, logging, energy (coal, oil, gas), chemical, pharmaceutical, agribusiness and military industries. From Cabinet positions to lower level ones, from scientists to engineers, advisors to panelists, the army of the Leviathan marched proudly into Washington trumpeting its intent and determination to facilitate and bring forth the continuing corporate leeching of America’s air, lands, forests and waterways. Dispersed throughout the government’s agencies and departments, the vast array of industry and corporate executives, lobbyists, CEO’s, attorneys and scientists immediately began undermining the many mechanisms that protected our environment, health and scientific fact.

The introduction of the Bush administration into Washington began the most systematic evisceration of environmental laws and protections the country has ever been witness to. As a result, those industries whose interest, profit and power lies in undoing environmental regulations began a reign of terror onto everything pristine, sacred and beautiful. A war against our lungs and bodies was declared; a war against our unborn children and grandchildren was unleashed. Our air continues to be polluted at unprecedented levels, causing massive amounts of asthma and disease in children. The lowering of human immune systems has also resulted along with hundreds of thousands of deaths in older adults. Our water continues to be made less clean, with increasing levels of arsenic, mercury, factory chemicals, pesticides and agribusiness runoffs being mixed with once clean water, leading to disease, death and the absorption of mercury and pesticides into the bodies of fertile American women. The health consequences on fetuses and babies, it is being learned, are devastating and criminal.

Bush has been unwilling to make fuel efficiency a priority, something that, given our dependence on foreign oil, would help bring security to our shores. His administration has granted subsidies and as consequence tax rebates for those buying gas guzzling SUVs. Investment in more efficient engines such as hydrogen fuel cells is minimal, a joke if the situation was not so serious. When Big Oil runs smoothly through the corridors of power, however, the expectation of self-cannibalization is an experiment in futility. The oilgarchs’ omnipotent power derives from the continued flow of black blood, and it seems they have no scruples sacrificing the red kind in order to achieve this goal.

American energy and foreign policy have been created by Cheney and his cronies in the energy/oil industries. Wars have been started and waged to attain feudal lands rich in black gold for energy conglomerates. Science has been corrupted, distorted and suppressed to fall in line with the energy industry’s goals. The surface of the planet is being mercilessly scarred and made barren; developing nations and their peoples are being turned into oppressed estates and serfs of the exploiting elite few.

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