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Wacky Weather it is not.

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bdamomma Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:03 AM
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Wacky Weather it is not.
read this article.

just a snip:

Global warming is not a slow, gentle, pleasant rise in temperatures to be savored. It is an abrupt fundamental breakdown in the Earth System's climate sub-system that threatens the Earth's, humanity's and your family's ability to live. It is not enough to blame the weather on El Ninño, which itself can be and is exacerbated by climate change. As climate change continues, unabated by systematic policy responses, and "wacky weather" becomes more prevalent, we can expect immediately budding trees to die from later frosts, agriculture to struggle to define growing seasons, pest insects to multiply, and ecosystems to deteriorate and die.
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Az Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:10 AM
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1. What we are experiencing is a significant shift in weather patterns
Yes el Nino can play a part in this. But what we are seeing is more than just that. It is global. We are seeing species already being effected by the shifts in tempretures and weather patters. We have seen the ecosystems climbing the sides of mountains in an attempt to find their particular niche as it moves.

It doesn't matter if humans are the primary cause or not. If we affect the weather at all and it is trending towards destablizing from the form we need to survive then it is in our interest to curtail anything we are doing that may have negative impact on the matter. Even if it is all just nature then we need to look into how to undo nature and fix the weather and climate in a way that is condusive to our survival. Or we perish. Thats the choices.
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PATRICK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:18 AM
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2. Inhibiting global, informed consciousness
On a very concrete, universal and critical global experience. Individually the weather changes range from the rare to the extreme, but the critical thing is the planet wide experience of some change at the same time. The small barometers can be economically devastating as the winter weather merely slips the few degrees into humid conditions ripe for ice storms. ice storms, usually rare and localized when they hit the extreme damage stage are more frequent among those who have had them before and real shockers to places that never did. These special storms take down power grids and transportation during a cold season. That little effect is enough even if not as dramatic as who got 24 inches of snow. Usually nothing sexy shows up on the media because all the lights literally go out. Relatively small and constant changes over larger, newer areas do this.

Then the watershed issues, the confusion of flora and fauna, the rampage of smaller organisms, all can have real and disastrous effects worse than short term but dramatic hurricanes. Into the long term water stressed hinterlands the coastal peoples will flock thinking it the new false paradise they expect from the misnamed American Dream. The only natural balance that the "safe" land people might darkly wish for is that quick traumatic weather shocks would as quickly reduce the sun and fun population who otherwise will recognize Nature is pushing them back and bring their special sense of unreality into a tougher more demanding enclave of survival.

Despite bullying fake propaganda the global awareness of humanity is responding to universal reality, but successfully pushed into its active limitations, its procrastination, its self concerns and short sightedness and powerlessness in corporate tyranny based on greed and fear.
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The2ndWheel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:36 AM
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3. Pest insects multiply all the time
That's why we keep ramping up the potency of pesticides. Then messing with the DNA of plants so that they're resistant to the pesticide, which then further escalates the problem by making us dependent on a few crops that are genetically owned by giant corporations. All in the name of control.

But then that gets back to the issues of agriculture, population, expansion, consumption, etc.

The sad part is that we can't do anything about it, since to stop growth in 2007, would mean the murder of billions around the planet. So we have to continue to grow, at any cost, or else we die. We'll take out our habitat doing it, but like I said, any cost. We can't do anything about it voluntarily(billions dead), so we have to let the only force capabale of stopping us(our eco-system) do what it's going to do to us. All the while we won't stop the growth, so we'll make the eventual problem that much worse.

We better hope we can have a habitat and a global machine churning out energy which allows us to mold the world to our wants. If we can't, we're fucked.
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:50 AM
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4. This is the truth...and it is scary as hell!!!
I am terrified for my children and grandchildren.

I will be forwarding this to everyone I know.
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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:53 AM
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5. it's too late - the snowball is plunging down the mountain faster and faster

the neo cons will become moot as survival becomes all important.

is there a web site that daily lists the environment problems for each country?

like what countries are having floods, or super storms, or loss of crops, or species disappearing, or pregnancy problems, or the feminization of males problem, etc.

maybe humans would react quicker if this info was out there every day, not just what was happening in the US.
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kestrel91316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 12:07 PM
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6. This part is ALREADY upon us:
".......expect immediately budding trees to die from later frosts, agriculture to struggle to define growing seasons, pest insects to multiply, and ecosystems to deteriorate and die......"

I'm not just afraid for the future. I'm really really afraid for the here and NOW.
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