"The end of the world as we know it
Surprise! ‘The Day After Tomorrow' isn't a documentary, but a work of fiction
If you're standing up reading this, you'd better sit down. I'm going to tell you something — something bizarre and hard to believe; it might shock you, it might disturb you, it might make you lightheaded.
You know that movie "The Day After Tomorrow"? The one where the weather suddenly goes insane and starts killing us all by the thousands and thousands? Well, apparently there's little chance that the predictions in that movie will come to pass. Actually, the chances of a new ice age coming in the span of a couple of days are pretty darn low, according to an email I received from a Washington, D.C. "Think Tank" dedicated to setting the record straight on such things.
According to Think Tank Inc. (the e-mail is real, the name is not) "Day After Tomorrow" — are you sitting down? Please, don't say I didn't warn you — I say, the "Day After Tomorrow" is a WORK OF FICTION!!!
Can you believe it? As I'm sure many of you did, I saw the previews and TV commercials and thought, "Hmm, wow, what a great looking documentary." But no, turns out that it's really not; according to TTI, it's a made up story! A piece of fiction! Well, call me duped.
Incredibly, there's even more to the story. Not only is TDAT a made up story, the science used in the movie is exaggerated, too! Stupefyingly, much to my flabbergastation, according to the press release "...the blockbuster fails to employ sound science to back up the special effects."
Hollywood? Taking liberties for the sake of entertainment? Surely this is not the Hollywood I know!
But don't take our word for it, TTI goes on. Here's a list of scientists ready to "reveal the truth."
After seeing the list, you better believe I was immediately NOT on the phone to any of them...