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Bombs, spear fishing devastating Asia's top sites for exotic marine life

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 10:24 PM
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Bombs, spear fishing devastating Asia's top sites for exotic marine life
Bombs, spear fishing devastating one of Asia's top sites for exotic marine life

Monday, Jun 07, 2004,Page 5

Exotic marine life at a prime diving site in the South China Sea is being wiped out by a lethal combination of fish bombs and spear-fishing, conservationists said yesterday.

Pedro Blanco, an isolated rock pinnacle 85km east of Hong Kong, was home to a colorful variety of exotic marine life including blue marlins, mantas, reef rays, octopus and turtles until fishing boats and spear-fishermen targeted it.

Dynamiting by fishermen and a succession of overnight spear-fishing expeditions have now decimated fish stocks to the point where the site is in danger of becoming worthless as a diving location, according to marine experts Charlie Frew and Andy Cornish.

The pair have appealed to the Guangdong government in southern China to try to stop Chinese fishing vessels using bombs around Pedro Blanco and are now writing to the Hong Kong Underwater Association about the number of spear-fishing expeditions.

And the world awaits for a statement from Jackie 'Whore' Chan on his Communist friends! Afterwards, a statement by Neil 'Whore' Bush and a CNN report from Mikie 'Whore' Chinoy on their Communist Puppet Masters.
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