The Heat Is On
A National Online Town Meeting on Global Warming
With John McCain
When: Thursday, June 17, 1:30pm (EDT)/10:30am (PDT)
Where: Live, on your computer.
Environmental Defense is hosting a live town meeting on global climate change with very special guest Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Senator McCain, along with co-sponsor Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), is leading the fight to undo global warming with the historic, bipartisan Climate Stewardship Act (S. 139), and is joining us for this special online event to bring thousands of concerned Americans together as the US Senate prepares for a vote on the bill. Please join us for what should be a spirited discussion about the environmental, economic and political challenges of climate change.
Environmental Defense President Fred Krupp will host this lively town meeting. Learn more about global warming, get an update from Capitol Hill, and find out what Americans can do to push their political leaders to take action. McCain and Krupp will take your online questions. Log on, tune in and speak up.
Register now to connect to the Online Town Meeting on Global Warming on June 17. There, you can pre-submit questions for the Senator.