No Guzzle, No Glory
History Says Gas Spike Won't Smother SUV Love
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, June 13, 2004; Page F01
It can't be easy owning a Hummer these days. If you're not being mocked in television ads, you're cut off by hostile drivers or harassed by environmentalists. Jatinder Sehmi, the owner of a junk-removal franchise in Prince George's County, had a hamburger thrown at his H2 recently.
"A friend of mine told me he had a car full of nuns give him the finger," chuckled Leo Karl, of Hummer by Karl in New Canaan, Conn.
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The one tangible sign of anxiety over gasoline usage appears to be the abuse being hurled at SUV owners, especially Hummer owners. The Web site, which encourages a center-finger salute to the vehicle, has so far posted 682 photos of such salutes. sells bumper stickers with its own prescription. The radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front boasts of a half-dozen attacks on SUV dealerships last year, including one in West Covina, Calif., that did $2.5 million in damage.
"They cut you off -- that's huge; not yielding, lots of fingers," shrugged Jim Matthews, Hummer sales manager at Criswell Automotive in Gaithersburg. "It's people in little
box cars that don't have a life -- tree huggers."
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This tree hugger gives Hummer drivers the finger, ... the little one.

June 5 Anti-war March in LA images here: