Wednesday, Jun 09, 2004,Page 5
Beijing is backing Hong Kong's chief executive, an aide said a day after a commentary in a Chinese newspaper chided Tung Chee-hwa (???) as elusive and weak in facing down popular demands for more democracy for the city.
Public frustration with the unpopular Tung, handpicked by Beijing after Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule in 1997, has fueled growing demands for full democracy in the past year, alarming leaders in Beijing.
"The Chinese government, especially the top leaders, has always been sending a clear message that it supports the Hong Kong government led by Mr Tung," said Cheng Yiu-tong (???), a member of Tung's Cabinet and a pro-Beijing politician.
He was responding to an article by Lau Nai-keung (???), a Hong Kong member of the Chinese People's Political and Consultative Conference (CPPCC), published in the Hong Kong edition of China Daily on Monday. The CPPCC is an advisory body to China's parliament. the world be notified, these are the Communists Jackie 'Whore' Chan and Neil 'Whore' Bush support and do business with. These are the Communist Pigs which Mikie 'Whore' Chinoy NEVER reports the truth what's really going on inside Communist China. The truth of the Taiwan story.