Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor of New York City, has been funding a national advertising campaign to promote his congressional gun- control bill. Monday's Denver Post featured a full-page ad urging Sen. Mark Udall to support the Bloomberg bill; Colorado's other senator, Michael Bennett, is already a co-sponsor.
According to the ad, the Bloomberg bill would nationalize Colorado's rule about background checks at gun shows. But in fact, only a small fraction of the Bloomberg bill addresses the issue of background checks. The rest of the bill has a much more aggressive agenda.
For example, gun show promoters do not sell guns. The promoters just operate the shows, renting table space to the people who do sell guns. The Bloomberg bill would give the U.S. attorney general unlimited power to impose fees and regulations on gun show operators. An anti-gun attorney general could make the fees so exorbitant that no one could operate a gun show. Extremely complex and time-consuming registration forms that would have to be filled out every week could also drive gun shows out of business.
Or consider a licensed firearms dealer who never sets foot inside a gun show. He conducts all his sales from his store. The Bloomberg bill hugely increases various prison terms that can be imposed on licensed dealers. This has nothing to do with gun shows.
The Bloomberg bill takes major steps toward national gun registration. Under current federal law, when you buy a gun at a store (or from a licensed dealer at a gun show), you must fill out a form specifying your name, race, address, and so on, along with the serial number of the particular gun you bought. The licensed dealer keeps these records, which are available for law enforcement conducting criminal investigations.
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That Bloomie is a rabid anti civil rights politician is clear. Just how far he spreads his lies is amazing. Also amazing is that he was not prosecuted for his role in illegal gun buying in other states.