Frankly I am stunned. Several people emailed this to me and each time I read it, I was stunned. I lost family in the Holocaust (as most of you know) and I suffered at the hands of the Soviets (for being a Jew) as well. But because I am against war, especially war for profit and because I felt that Saddam's execution was handled badly, I am a Judenrat:
"In the end, all radical 'religious progressives' are the Judenrat and kapos of their respective faiths and of our time.
By accepting and ascribing to beliefs and ideologies of Leftism, 'religious progressives' have made a deal with the very devil that would destroy them. Disagree with a 'religious progressive,' and like their progressive masters, tolerance goes out the window because dissent cannot be tolerated- because the 'emperor has no clothes.'
The Left has gone from supporting liberal ideologies that were inclusive and universal, to supporting ideologies that are fascist. There is no way any observer can come to any other conclusion. A lot of the moral capital earned by Liberalism, has been squandered by Leftists in the support of causes that are clearly bankrupt and by ignoring causes that go begging.
The Left watched as Rwanda paid with the blood of over a million men, women and children. The Left stands idly by as Darfur unfolds, in slow motion, as testimony to the cruelest nature of man. In Algeria, the GIA raped and dismembered children as the left watched. The list goes on and on, as atrocities from Sierra Leone to East Timor to the oppression and repression dispensed by Middle East despots and religious zealots are ignored.
To the radical 'religious progressives' the world would be right if Jews weren't so Jewish, or insisted on defending themselves and just allowed the themselves to be 'blessed' victims. Religious progressives must somehow distinguish themselves from their anti semitic secular brothers, you see.
In the same way the Judenrat believed the Germans were a 'civilized' nation, many 'religious progressives' have deluded themselves. In the end they believe, their secular progressive brothers in arms are 'enlightened' and 'intellectual.'
Of course there is never good news when it comes to human and religious rights in nations ruled by despots and identified as the left's 'comrades in arms'. The enthusiastic support for dysfunctional and repressive Islamic and Middle Eastern regimes, is perhaps the most disturbing- and another truth that cannot be denied. These regimes make no excuse for their politics or their support for terror, nor do they even attempt to hide their hate and bigotry, broadcast in media, taught in schools and preached from the pulpit.
That these regimes have used religion as justification for their barbarism is cynically exploited by the left. One the one hand, says the Left, 'we must respect their religion and their politics,' and on the other hand, they point to religion and say, 'This is the evil religion represents. We must separate ourselves and our politics from religion.'
All the while the erstwhile kapos of the left, the 'religious progressives,' remain silent.
Despite witnessing the out of control and barbaric behaviors of whole societies, the radical 'religious progressives' have turned a the blind eye to evil. They have come to accept and tolerate the most evil kind of behavior and remain silent. They and their secular brothers have aligned themselves with some of the most evil and dysfunctional tyrannies on the face of this earth.
They refuse to condemn the atrocities and hate and they will not condemn others who support the evil. Like the Judenrat before them, 'religious progressives' have come to believe the script. They openly encourage and even demand dysfunctional and self destructive behaviors that will inevitably lead to destruction, all in the name of healing and enlightenment. The 'religious progressives,' more than anyone, have embarked on the newest crusade. Join us they say, do it our way, or you will be destroyed. Plus ca change, plus ca reste la meme.
Shrill leftists like Larisa Alexandrovna speak of Israel, America and the Holocaust "(and as a Jew I have some personal interest in this myself obviously) " as if somehow, being Jewish gave her words added credibility.
Like other progressives, she needs to sacrifice the truth on the altar of deceit.
Alexandrovna deceives with ease. She is like the kapo that knows the truth, and refuses to warn others of the truth. She focuses on the activities of some pre war American and British banks. What she does not acknowledge that some 6 years after the Holocaust, the Arab mantra of 'We'll finish what Hitler started' is part and parcel of what passes for an Arab world educational priority.
She minimizes the participation of many Muslims during the Holocaust. Amin Husseini, mufti of Jerusalem, met with Hitler and offered his enthusiastic support for the 'final solution.' In fact, Husseni was to complain that Jews weren't being killed fast enough.
Husseini's support wasn't only rhetorical- he raised an army of Bosnian volunteers that directly supported and participated in the Nazi war efforts.
In fact, Ms Alexandrovna is nothing more than a modern day equivalent of member of the Judenrat or kapo, perfectly willing to help the leftists sell out Israel so that she might maintain her 'progressive' bona fides (she is managing news editor of 'Raw Story,' and has contributed to Huffington, Alternet, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and Newsweek). She isn't like those 'other Jews.' She an 'enlightened' and 'intellectual' Jew. She is part of the elite, or so she thinks.
Nowhere does Alexandrovna or the radical 'religious progressives' state an obvious truth: If the Arab world were to recognize Israel's right to exist and abandon their stated desire to slaughter Jews, peace would be a Middle East reality in days."
Brought to you by the Anonymous Fascist