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Maariv Exclusive: Arrow missile may be compromised by security blunder

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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 02:57 PM
Original message
Maariv Exclusive: Arrow missile may be compromised by security blunder
The article doesn't say so, but I would think that the more
important issue would be the leakage of the actual capability of
this system, which a knowledgable programmer might infer from the

There is growing concern that the Arrow missile, perhaps the county?s
most guarded military secret, may have been severely compromised by
what security sources are describing as ?an unbelievable blunder?.

The Arrow is the world?s only operative ABM (Anti Ballistic Missile).
It is a joint US-Israeli project, with Israel developing the heart of the
system, the ultra-sensitive ?Green Pine? radar system, which gives
the missile the capability to track and intercept incoming ballistic
missiles. It is the free world?s only current viable defense against such

Maariv has learned that the Egyptian office of IBM has been
corresponding with their colleagues at the Israeli IBM office, regarding
the detection and correction of bugs in the MOTIF computer program.
The Arrow is programmed on this system.

Maariv has documents that attest to the tight relationship between the
Israeli IBM staff and the Egyptian branch of the company. In addition,
during our inquiry it turned out the next generation of the software was
written in Cairo. From there the software was supposed to go to Israel
and replace the current Arrow missile system.

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mouse7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 03:04 PM
Response to Original message
1. Israel outsourced it's software to Egypt and surprised it's stolen?
I've seen a lot of stupid shit in my life. Israel and Egypt have been in how many wars?

Was there some sort of intelligence officer exchange program between the US and Israel? This seems like something ridiculous Tenet's CIA would pull. Maybe there were US officers there on exchange handling the Arrow.
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