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Good game that shows what is happening in Palestine...

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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 11:01 PM
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Good game that shows what is happening in Palestine...

Pay close attention. It has no end...
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Lucky Luciano Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 11:32 PM
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1. Hey, I like that game!
This is really fun.

At first I just shot at the ragheads with guns because they were terrorists! However, when the missile was late in arriving it took out some civilians. Some other civilians came over and mourned and then the weirdest thing happened!!!!! Those mourners turned into terrorists!! I was perplexed that my use of force would do this, so i shot them too...and invariably, I hit some other civilians, making mourners and more terrorists. So I had this cycle going on. As a result, I decided to just shoot all the ragheads indiscriminately and wait for the mourners to show up and shoot them while they became terrorists!!! It was so much fun!! I think I killed half the people and destroyed all the buildings!!! Jeez! I sure hope this game doesn't end...Maybe I could do this in real life some day! Wouldn't that be a hoot!

George W Bush
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Lithos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 11:38 PM
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