UN human rights experts meeting in Geneva have issued a statement expressing their "strong concern" regarding continuous violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the occupied Palestinian territories.
"This concern has been most recently expressed in numerous statements regarding the human rights violations taking place during the military incursion by the Israeli Defence Force in the Rafah refugee camp of the Gaza strip," they said.
"We deplore the practices of the Israeli authorities, including targeted killings, excessive use of force during military incursions, arbitrary and long periods of incommunicado detention, and torture and other forms of inhuman and degrading ill-treatment," the statement said. "Furthermore, we deeply regret the policy of demolition of Palestinian houses and destruction of civilian property, the massive confiscation and destruction of land, and restrictions on the freedom of movement, which violates, inter alia, the human rights to food, housing, water, health, education and work."
The experts also denounced the practice of "suicide bombings" carried out against the Israeli population.