for the war if we prevent the surge....OR...for buying enough time to get the war to last through 2008 and beyond if we allow the surge to happen.
Okay, let's say Bush gets his way and we send 20 to 30,000 more troops to Iraq to "get the job done". Anyone with half a brain knows that any surge by us will result in a much larger surge of new insurgents to Iraq. A surge by Bush will be just another rallying cry for the other side to recruit 5 times as many insurgents as any new troops we send over. One side escalates which causes the other side to escalate even more. The war drags on and on with no victory in sight for anyone, just like Bush wants.
So, why is this surge idea just a political ploy? It's a ploy because it's aimed at shifting the blame from Bush to blaming the Democrats. The war cannot be won, so the next best thing is to blame the Democrats. That will become the name of the game. The "surge" idea is the perfect plan...perfect for getting Democrats blamed, one way or another.
Let's do two "what ifs".
What if the Democratic Congress doesn't support funding for the surge? If a Democratic Congress doesn't support the funding for this latest surge in troops and kills the plan, the Democrats will be blamed for "capping" the war and ruining Bush's mighty plan (rolling eyes) to win the war on terror. Cut and Run will once again be the battle cry in 2008. The mighty USA will be said to have lost another war and it'll be spun as being all the fault of Democrats because Democrats didn't let Bush have the necessary number of troops to get the job done. That's the way Republicans will spin it.
What if the Democratic Congress DOES give Bush one last chance to get the job done with his surge idea? If a Democratic Congress DOES give Bush his way with the surge, Democrats all over will be wondering WTF happened to their Party, not that many aren't already wondering that now. We don't need anymore of that. Also, if funding is allowed by Democrats for this surge, then the surge in troops means a new plan in Baghdad is suddenly in effect, which in turn means IT WILL TAKE TIME TO IMPLEMENT AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THIS NEW PLAN, which in turn means it gives Bush the perfect opportunity to BUY JUST ENOUGH TIME TO GET HIM THROUGH 2008 and for Republicans to walk into another election with a war theme intact, something that benefits them and only them.
This surge idea is nothing but a cheap "Rovian" political trick, which will come at the expense of even more of our troops' lives and the lives of countless more Iraqis. It's all about BUYING TIME, and it's about SHIFTING THE BLAME from the real culprits, the Republicans, to the Democrats. How our Party handles this is going to be very interesting. It won't be easy.
We need to stop the madness and get our troops home. So....any ideas on how our Dems can thwart this plan and NOT have the blame shifted from Bush to us?