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Rude Pundit:Why Rush Limbaugh Ought To Be Force-Fed His Own Liposuctioned Fat (Obama Edition)

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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:28 AM
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Rude Pundit:Why Rush Limbaugh Ought To Be Force-Fed His Own Liposuctioned Fat (Obama Edition)
Rush Limbaugh, a man who loves to spread barbecue sauce all over his oxycontin-shriveled, Viagra'd-semi-hard cock and balls and tell Dominican hookers to treat his meat like a "shredded pork sandwich," attacked Illinois Senator Barack Obama yesterday for two reasons. One is pure and utter let's-send-the-short-bus nonsense: that Obama is "speaking in clichés" when he says things, as he did in his announcement of an exploratory committee on running for President, like, "Politics has become so bitter and partisan, so gummed up by money and influence." Rush Limbaugh deriding someone for speaking in cliches is not unlike a child molester accusing a child kidnapper of not molesting enough.

But then, in his typical, mindboggling, fuck-how-am-I-gonna-fill-three-hours-today way, Limbaugh makes a huge deal about Obama's support of the Chicago Bears in the playoffs. Here's his rant in full since it'll be off his transcript page any minute now:

"One more thing about Barack Obama here. He says the New Orleans football season is all but over. I don't know if he realizes how insensitive his comment here, that the Saints are going nowhere in the playoffs against his Chicago Bears really is. This is a man who wants to be president. He's no longer an alderman, a state senator, or a United States senator from Illinois. He's a citizen of the world, and as such, you have to understand in his position what the United States Saints mean! They're not just the New Orleans Saints. As Gregg Easterbrook calls them, they are 'the United States Saints,' and they are playing not for championships, they are not playing for personal reward, they are playing to save and rebuild a city, not only infrastructurally, but in terms of the self-esteem.

"For Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half minority, to come out there and not identify with and bond with the suffering victims still scattered all over the fruited plain as a result of the unfair attack by Hurricane Katrina, orchestrated by Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and FEMA; for him to callously just disbarred the Saints, knowing full well what they represent to the Democrat Party because of their ties to New Orleans and Katrina, shows an unsophisticated lack of understanding of just what his responsibility is as a Democrat presidential candidate. He said it. 'New Orleans football is all but over.' He said it. '"The Bears are going to the Super Bowl," a gleeful Obama told reporters Monday outside a church in suburban Chicago. He said, "I'm happy for New Orleans and I think it's a wonderful story for their city, but this fairy tale ends when they come to Chicago."'

"A-ha! It's a fairy tale as far as he's concerned. That means it's not even real. The Saints are not real; what they're playing for is not real! I am stunned. If Barack were really Barack Obama, do you know what Barack Obama would have done? You people think I'm kidding out there. Barack Obama would have come out for the Saints. I know you think it's just a football playoff game and he's gotta show favoritism because his home team is the Chicago Bears and so forth, but he's seeking the leadership of the free world, and Katrina and the Saints and New Orleans are a Democrat cause. But more than that, identifying with suffering and misery, starvation, thirst-ation, death, that's what the Democratic Party is all about! For him to just basically say to you people in New Orleans and your football people (raspberry) and to gleefully predict your demise, shows a parochialism on the part of this man that is somewhat curious to me, given the lofty heights and the wide horizons that he seeks.

"A true liberal Democrat here, an understanding liberal Democrat, even though he's from Illinois, would pick the Saints while saying great things about the Bears, while hoping it's their turn next time, say, 'It's really hard to pick a team here,' but he 'understands how the country can come together, with the Saints winning the Super Bowl, and pulling New Orleans out of the muck and showing what can happen when people hang together and work together and put aside their differences. They can come together and win the Super Bowl -- out of the ruins of Hurricane Katrina.'"

Oh, sweet fuckin' mercies, where to start here. Howzabout this: a) It's fuckin' sports. Obama's support of, say, you know, actual policies and money to help New Orleans and the Gulf Coast is a bit more important than rooting for one team of rich guys over another team of rich guys. b) Even if New Orleans wins the Super Bowl, that ain't gonna get the levees built stronger, houses rebuilt, crime reduced, or any other goddamn thing that might actually bring New Orleans "out of the ruins of Hurricane Katrina." c) You're allowed to root for your home team. d) It's more than a little racist to suggest that because Obama is a "half-minority" that he should root for the team that one group of black people is rooting for over a team that, you know, another group of black people is rooting for. e) Rush Limbaugh talking about what a "true liberal Democrat" is not unlike a hyena telling a gazelle where to lay down for a nap.
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Buzz Clik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:33 AM
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1. ... which sums up why I quit listening to the bloated pig.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:41 AM
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2. Only a demented, truly f**ked individual would be crazy
enough to like support for NO and the flood victims to a damn football team and the playoffs.
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Mythsaje Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:41 AM
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3. Re: Your "Fuck you Dan Savage" sig-line...
Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 11:42 AM by Mythsaje
I wonder if anyone's written to him to ask how that whole pro-war stance is working for him now, considering we were right all along.

On edit: Football, like all professional sports, are the American opiate anyway. I couldn't give a rat's ass about any of it.
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happy5 Donating Member (57 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 11:47 AM
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4. Who are these people
that still take Rush Limbaugh seriously?? :wtf:
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USA No. 1 Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 12:00 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Chemical reactions and neocon talk show hosts?
The man is a walkin' talkin' Oxycontin/Viagra overdose.

Can someone tell me why fat boy isn't in jail?
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rudy23 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 12:00 PM
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5. I started a post about how I like Obama pulling for his team, but why not get serious about Katrina?
Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 12:01 PM by rudy23
It seems almost in poor taste that Obama can joke about the Saints fairytale season, while the Democratic Congress sidesteps any action that concerns WHY the Saints season is a fairytale season.

I think it would be a golden opportunity for Obama to have a huge accomplishment on his resume, to show what kind of leadership skills he has, if he can get Democrats in the Senate to expedite the recovery process, and undertake investigations.

I'm saying, don't joke around about New Orleans when you haven't addressed the real concerns here. And just a reminder, American citizens are being shut out of their homes, strung along, forced to live in camps where they are silenced, and subjected to third world treatment in their own country.

Anybody hear Obama come out against Lieberman when he flip-flopped and decided not to investigate the White House's "embarassing emails" during Katrina? Anybody hear any Democrats say "enough is enough" about the Gulf Coast relief effort?

Then joking about the Saints' fairytale season is off limits.

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AlCzervik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 12:05 PM
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7. Rude Pundit won me at "Howard Dean will F*ck your shit up"
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Hoosier Dem Donating Member (346 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 12:51 PM
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8. I'm a Bears Fan...Screw the Saints
Just because I want to see the Bears plow the aints in no way reflects any ill-will on my part toward the people of New Olrleans. It's just team spirit. (We Chicago Bears fans don't often have a lot of things to be happy about!)

This has to be Flush Limpballs at his most pathetic. So, Obama can't be president because he roots for his hometown team?? Uh-huh. I remeber seeing Jimmy Carter at Atlanta Braves games and Bill Clinton cheering on the Razorbacks. We know Jerry Ford rooted for Michigan until the day he died. To try to tie loving the Bears to a deaf ear for Katrina suffering is just laughably pathetic.

I can tell you that, if (when) the Bears beat the Saints, I'll be happier than Rush Limbaugh in a Tijuana pharmacy!

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citygal Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:04 PM
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9. It's just typical sports talk. Everybody does it...
Plus, if Obama had said something neutral, like the Saints have a great shot, Limpba**s would have attacked him for not supporting his home team. He would have then called him weak and asked how we could trust him as president to stick to our side. Limpba**s is a complete waste.

Oh, and GO BEARS!
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Quantess Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 02:16 PM
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10. Has everybody seen this?
Shameless, subliminal Faux news smear of Obama. They show an image of Obama while talking about a completely unrelated sex offender.
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