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Hillary Clinton opposes Iraq troops 'surge'

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T_i_B Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:27 PM
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Hillary Clinton opposes Iraq troops 'surge',,1992677,00.html

Hillary Clinton today said she was against moves to increase the number of US troops in Iraq, instead calling for more resources to be devoted to Afghanistan.

In a round of TV and radio interviews prior to her formal declaration that she will seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency - expected to be made within days - Ms Clinton tackled her previous ambiguity about Iraq, which some analysts see as a notable weakness.

Speaking a day after Barack Obama, the charismatic senator seen as her chief rival for the Democratic ticket, took his first steps towards entering the 2008 race, Ms Clinton said she opposed George Bush's plans to send a 'surge' of more than 20,000 extra troops to Iraq.

More should instead go to Afghanistan, she told NBC's Today Show. She said the US president was "taking troops away from Afghanistan, where I think we need to be putting more troops, and sending them to Iraq on a mission that I think has a very limited, if any, chance for success".

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katmondoo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:59 PM
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1. The words "I Think" should be left out
Just say it in a positive way like "there should be no increase in the number of troops sent to Iraq" Saying "I think". Kerry (I voted for him) also used "I think" too much.
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