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When I Think Of 2008 (Kind of Sad)

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
iamjoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 11:04 PM
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When I Think Of 2008 (Kind of Sad)
When I think of who we have running in 2008 and who I like. I know it's still early, but I sense a real quandary coming. Although the decision may be made before Florida votes, if there was a good enough candidate, I would actually send money and do volunteer work for the early states. But, I don't know how to pick the "perfect" candidate.

Dodd and Biden, they do nothing for me.

As for the other contenders or probables: Vilsack, Edwards, Kucinich, Richardson, Obama, Clinton

I find myself thinking not who would make the best President. I don't think about who's ideals are closest to mine and know that's the one.

I think, who is most likely to win the general election?

That's sad, because it really should be about who would make the best President. Or, at least I could stick to my ideals.

Vilsack - A governor, always a positive - they won't have a voting record to pick apart like Senators do. From the Mid-west - not a solid blue state. YAWN. No charisma. No chance. Doesn't even win handily in Iowa, his home state. Then there's the name - UGH! Good night.

Edwards - Extremely likable. Charisma in abundance. Might even win the South, or make the Republican waste money there instead of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Love the way he talks about poverty. I could forgive his vote on the war, BUT - with his current opposition he can be painted as a flip flopper. Besides, he served one term as Senator, ran a failed bid - yesterday's news?

Kucinich - If only we had a candidate who voted like Kucinich, had the same ideals but looked like Edwards (and had that charisma). Kucinich looks like the kid who always got beat up on the playground. America will never take him seriously, they'll never trust him with our security.

Obama - Charismatic, fascinating. Multi-cultural - what we need to repair our international reputation. He has solid progressive principles, but doesn't come across as a demagogue. People will question his experience, wonder if he's paid his dues. He's new - has he been "vetted"? And, can we trust Republicans not to play the race/Muslim card (or Americans not to fall for it)?

Clinton - Smart. Tough. Strong. Way too much baggage. Horrible speaker. Calculating. Would energize the Conservatives to vote against her, but not get the Liberals energized to vote for her, unless she was running against Brownback or Tancredo. But they stand little chance of getting the Republican nomination, whereas in our Primary...

Richardson - Governor. Hispanic, a much needed demographic. Great diplomatic skills - can't use the lack of foreign policy experience against this one. They'll blame all problems in our international relations on him. Then there's that Los Alamos security issue under his watch (Sec. Energy). Doesn't matter if it's his fault - it will be his problem.

Before you question if this is helpful, I say better to get it out now than to get blindsided in the fall of 2008. Even for the Primary, I don't want to throw my support behind a candidate and have crap come out later. Then I'm embarrassed because I didn't know about it (and felt I should have done my homework better). Then, I'm trying to campaign for some one and wondering if I'm OK with a vote he/she made or something he/she said, much less trying to persuade voters on this issue when they ask.
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A-Schwarzenegger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 11:07 PM
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1. Let's be one hundred percent safe and not run anybody.
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iamjoy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 11:15 PM
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3. LOL
Edited on Sat Jan-20-07 11:18 PM by iamjoy
I hadn't thought of it that way.


maybe I'm just too much of a worrier!

The election is almost two years away and I'm already looking for a candidate the Republicans won't be able to Swift Boat. The point is they'll try to Swift Boat whomever we put up because for them it isn't about the truth, it's about the most believable and damaging lies! :crazy:

BUT - I would rather debate these things now. We should be trying to outthink their dirty strategies. Campaigns should dig for the dirt on their own candidate and have a solid contingency strategy in place for dealing with it. I'm tired of losing.
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illinoisprogressive Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-20-07 11:11 PM
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2. I like your list and objective thinking.
I cannot get past the fact that I do not like Hillary at all.
Edwards is okay but, I have a feeling he'll end up imploding.
I really like Richardson but, I think he'd make a dynamic sec of state
I truly believe Obama can win. the experience thing he can get around and I've seen the republican white good old boys in southern Illinois go crazy for him. I believe he can win the general easier than anyone. And he comes from the hard knocks school of Chicago machine politics. He can take it.

I have thought over candidates and thought of supporting others. But, in reality, I found that Gore is not going to run. Warner dropped out. ect. ect.
I've seen my senator run as I live in Illinois. I know the appeal is for real and lasts. I know what he can do. I know he can get the oddest assortment of supporters. I make assesments and do believe he can win.
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DoggyDoo Donating Member (6 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 04:23 AM
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4. Great points.
I've been at this whole voting thing for quite a few years now and, at least for me, I have to support whoever best represents my ideals and let the chips fall where they may. It just doesn't feel good when I disregard the person I really like to support someone who I think is more electable. Follow your heart.
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