Assuming Barack Obama gets the nomination, I've been juggling names around to see who would fit him best. I've all but eliminated General Clark, he seems pretty pro-Clinton right now...probably trying to position himself as a running mate assuming she gets the nomination. Plus, Clark has attacked Obama in defense of Clinton more than once. If Obama gets the nomination, I don't expect the General to be high on his list of names (though not impossible). Then there's Joe Biden, out of every Democrat currently running...he's on the top of MY list of running mates if he doesn't get the nomination. I think Obama/Biden would be a VERY formidable ticket, and Biden would tear the Rethug VP a new @$$hole. But according to his supporters, Biden seems pretty adament that he won't be accepting a running mate position...it seems to be all or nothing for him. Ignoring Edwards and Clinton for the obvious reasons, the only other Dem running that's a possibility is Bill Richardson. But I just don't know...I like Richardson and I think he has a witty sense of humor (and an EXCELLENT resume)...but he seems overlooked and unappreciated. He's also not catching on like many thought he would earlier.
Which means there's a strong possibility that Obama would have to chose someone outside of the Dems currently running. He would need someone with a lot of foreign political credibility...or at least someone who has been around the block. That way he'll have the experience on the ticket to balance off his fresh face appeal. A Govenor would probably be the smartest and safest thing to do since they have executive experience. But don't be surprised if it's another Senator. Especially if it's someone Obama knows and trusts and has worked with. People have already thrown around names like Barbara Boxer and Katherine Sebelius...but what about ole' Russ Feingold? Many on DU were talking about Feingold last year as a potential candidate before he took his names out of the box. Obama/Feingold would be criticized as a "liberal" ticket...but it would likely energize the base in ways we haven't seen in YEARS. It would also be a breakthrough ticket seeing as how not only would Obama potentially be the first BLACK President, but Russ Reingold would potentially be the first JEWISH Vice-President. I can almost here the cries of "ZOG" coming from the bowels of sites like Stormfront already...lol. But Feingold has a lot of respect and support I'm sure in Congress and the Senate.
What say you people of DU?