He speaks the truthNick Francois, Allenstown
For the Monitor
December 29. 2007 12:25AM
Sen. Obama caught my attention when I heard him speak on a television program.
He was speaking in front of an audience at MTV's studio. I may be not old enough to vote but I know the truth when I hear it. Barack Obama is a man who doesn't tell the people what they want to hear; he tells them what they need to hear. He could change America, from getting rid of the lobbyists in Washington, to giving health care to more people.
We need Sen. Obama for president in '08! Barack and his wife Michelle have been traveling all over the country. They have talked to the people, and they know what America wants and needs. This man could have gone to Wall Street and made a very large salary, but instead he chose to get into politics and try and save America's broken system.
Education is very important today. When he gets into office, he plans to bring in a new generation of teaching staff across America. But then he plans to reward the teachers for their hard work. Sen. Barack Obama understands that the kids in these school today are America's future.
I may be only 12 years old, but I know that Sen. Obama is the man for America!