20 responses to 20 questions regarding Obama
by VirginiaDem
Sun Dec 30, 2007 at 05:41:58 AM PST
Well, time to respond to another anti-Obama diary that is -- how should I put this nicely? -- a little bit lacking. Last night, a friendly Kossack asked some questions of Obama, many of which the Senator has already answered and many of which are very simple to answer. So here we go ...
1 You’re constantly talking about those who voted for the war resolution in 2002, but what exactly did you do to help stop the Iraq war:
Before joining the senate (besides that one speech of course)?
After joining the senate?
-- Seriously? We're posing this question to a person that was a state representative? He spoke out repeatedly and forcefully against the war while other Democrats were voting for it.
-- After joining the Senate? How's this for starters: Iraq War De-Escalation Act.
2 Why haven't you convened a single policy meeting of your subcommittee? Or spent more than a day anywhere in Europe since taking up the chairmanship of your subcommittee?
-- Obama has been chair of this subcommittee for only 11 months. During this time, America's foreign affairs has been a little bit focused on some other parts of the world -- maybe you've heard of them? Iraq? Pakistan? Afghanistan? Darfur? The attempt to make hey out of the fact that, in these 11 short months while running for President, Obama hasn't called a "policy meeting" about France and Germany while he was focusing on our foreign affairs priorities (including places where actual U.S. wars in progress) is pretty much the "gotcha!" moment of the primaries.
-- More gotcha-isms. As Senator, Obama has traveled to England, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti and Chad. He's well traveled both before and after becoming Senator.
3 You say you've traveled extensively in Europe before being elected to the Senate? Where exactly have you been - and when?
-- From just thumbing through Dreams From My Father for five minutes: "I'd been feeling this way all through my stay in Europe ... For three weeks I traveled alone, down one side of the continent and up the other, by bus and by train mostly, a guidebook in hand. I took tea by the Thames and watched children chase each other through the chestnut groves of Luxembourg Gardens. I crossed the Plaza Mejor at high noon, with its De Chirico shadows and sparrows swirling across the cobalt skies; and watched night fall over the Palantine...." (p. 301) I have a feeling he's been to Europe plenty.