Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 04:23 PM by louis c
Let's compare the two from their early years. In the late 60's and early 70's, John Kerry volunteered to fight for his country, commanded men under the most difficult of situations, saved a life, displayed bravery under fire and was decorated for valor. Later he came home and led the opposition to that failed policy, and spoke eloquently before congress, which helped to end that conflict. These actions undoubtedly saved even more American and Asian lives. On the other hand, Bush Jr. used his connections to avoid the conflict, even though he favored sending others to die. Shirked his even minimal obligations and continued to drink heavily. Often he babbled on in favor of a war he knew nothing about and was most probably often found drunk, passed out, lying in pool of his own urine. Come to think of it, maybe both men have reverted to their earlier years.