CNN: Scott Silliman Duke Law blasts Ashcroft
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Tue Jun-08-04 09:38 PM
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CNN: Scott Silliman Duke Law blasts Ashcroft |
A former military lawyer stated on CNN a few minutes ago that "most lawyers are opposed" to the legal regime created by civilian attorneys in the Pentagon and Justice Department to "skirt the Geneva Conventions and War Crimes Act."
He went on further to say that virtually all military lawyers are opposed to the legally unfounded policy attemting to justify torture which contravenes at least 50 years of US military policy AND HAS NO LEGAL FOUNDATION WHATEVER AND CONTRAVENES THE RULE OF LAW.
As a former Colonel and Gulf War I military adviser, Silliman went on to say that military lawyers of the armed services (the working group) were opposed to this policy when it first came up in the Pentagon and were overruled by the civilian leadership. He also noted that conservative lawyers are opposed to this policy as well and that most lawyers feel that it jeopardizes the welfare of our own soldiers.
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Tue Jun-08-04 09:42 PM
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1. The civilian leadership |
in justice, in defense, in intel, in security is all wrong all the time.
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Tue Feb 18th 2025, 04:06 AM
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