Alan Lichtman rises from the crypt, yet again.............§ion=0&article=46483&d=9&m=6&y=2004Good News for Bush, but Situation Remains Fluid
Dr. James J. Zogby, Arab News
WASHINGTON, 9June 2004 — After enduring a number of setbacks during a difficult spring, President Bush appears to be in the midst of a rebound. The economic news is good, the news from Iraq shows some improvement, and the president’s schedule has provided him several opportunities to focus public attention on his campaign theme of “providing strong leadership for America”.
As a result, the president’s poll numbers have risen slightly and one prominent pundit, who has developed a scientific model that has correctly predicted the outcome of every election since1984 , now says that Bush appears to be a likely winner in November.
Late last week I hosted American University professor Allan Lichtman on my Abu Dhabi TV “Viewpoint” program. Lichtman is the analyst who has developed a scientific model for predicting the outcome of presidential elections.
According to Lichtman’s assessment, Bush currently can claim the eight keys necessary to win. (Bush has “Keys”1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,8 , 11 and13 .) The four “Keys” Bush loses are6 ,7 , 10 and12 . “Key” nine is still unclear.