who is more fanatical, Kerry apologists or Nader apologists?
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Wed Jun-09-04 09:33 AM
Original message |
who is more fanatical, Kerry apologists or Nader apologists? |
Okay, lock now. I just wanted to make sure people realize there are posters who think those two groups are the most delusional and dishonest off all the people here.
Draft Byrd!
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Wed Jun-09-04 09:35 AM
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Are just ridiculous ....
I neednt apologize for anything or anyone ...
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Wed Jun-09-04 09:37 AM
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2. actually the delusional |
are the ones who think a candidate other than Kerry will end up winning the nomination at the convention.
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Wed Jun-09-04 09:39 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. actually the delusional are those who think that is why people are voting |
for people other than Kerry and think they can bully everyone into thinking he is going to be a big huge improvement on bush.
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Wed Jun-09-04 09:41 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. He is going to be a huge improvement over Chimp |
I don't think any "bullying" is even necessary. Reading is sufficient.
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Wed Jun-09-04 09:44 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. uh, no, i'm not talking about people who vote for those other than Kerry |
in the primary. i'm talking about those who say that there will be a brokered convention and someone other than Kerry will end up winning the nomination.
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Wed Feb 19th 2025, 01:12 PM
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